Tuesday, August 24, 2010

#7 - Sunset by a rock plus seagulls

Started off this one with just a horizon line. My focus really was on getting the ocean right, making it feel illuminated by the bright sky above. It's not perfect, but I'm happy with it. Also, seagulls! I grew up near the ocean, and no rock in the middle of the water is complete without hungry birds!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

#6 - Acropolis above the clouds

City in the Sky! I had this idea to have this massive city sprawling out in all directions, but today is a rainy day down below, and only the upper floors are sunny and happy. I like the idea of human made structures reaching the same heights of commercial airliners and enjoying sunny weather regardless of weather.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

#5 - Scary cave and kids

Went for something a bit different with this one. I put a creepy monster in the corner to make it funny, like he's mad the kids escaped. Poor monster.

Friday, August 20, 2010

#4 - Red rock canyon and Radio

Started this one with 3 quick slashes with the pen, then decided: forest canyon! It looked a bit bare near the end after color tweaking, so I added a radio tower in the foreground. Technology! Really love how this one turned out. Probably going to use the random-slash strategy from here on out.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

#3 - Slimy rock canyon in moonlight

This image wasn't easy. I originally worked with a broken, stony chasm lit artificially from below, but it just wasn't working. On a whim, I inverted the image and flipped it vertically. Modified the color and went a bit crazy with snowy/shiny reflective rock on all the open ledges.

Also, I may post images early, or post 2-3 images per day. Kind of goes against the point of the blog, but I'm impatient!

#2 - Sunset under cliff tree

Started with an idea of foresty mountains and a cliff. I wanted to have an "asian" influenced watercolor feel to the drawing. The tree could be a bit more crisp, but I'm pretty happy with it overall. A friend of mine put it as her desktop background! Great success.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

#1 - Super cool mountain fortress

First one I did. It's one of my favorites for sure. I dig the feeling of an overgrown and dangerous natural environment with sort of rag-tag man made buildings inhabiting the mountain like swiss cheese.